The city that never sleeps but what if I wanted to sleep
The life is so fast paced but what if I wanted it to go slow
A great career and professional life but what about personal
A real challenge for the beginners and what then
A life full of commitments to others and no time for oneself
The trains the rush the crowd the madness the rains it’s all
But I need time..i need to slow down..i want to feel..i want
to enjoy
I want to live again
So little did I know it back then when I had left Mumbai 2
years ago for my high profile MBA at a premier college, I had always thought of it
as going from Mumbai “the city” to Pune “the not so city” and also felt that I come
from a better city with better life, now 2 years hence I find myself back in my
Big City and yet somehow everything seems so out of place..
2 months since I am back here and the initial façade of
being back has died down so now when I sit down and think about it I somehow
miss pune. Soo I am thinking of paying it a visit soon
I want to live those memories again some time soon, Pune i am coming soon
P.S.: The Job seems to be taking it’s toll .. I feel insane