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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Service comes from within...

Are you here to serve or are you here to work...

This is the thought which persisted in my mind after reading the article which Girish sir shared with us about more than a month ago...for those who missed it....try and find itt....
anyways it talked about how the service culture in India is still in the infant stage despite the fact that we are becoming more and more service oriented.

Come to think of it, Service in itself means to serve..
To serve your friends, to serve your family..
to serve your elders, to serve your boss..
and above all to serve your job which you promised to do..
now what do you need to do just stay true to your words...
just deliver what you promised in any situation...

Very recently i had given my bike for some work at the service station
Now what started by "saheb 7-8 din main hojayega"
took as much as 15-20 days...
Not to mention the number of times i had to visit the service station in person and the pathetic response which i always got....
and when i got all oral with the person incharge the manager stepped up and said
"Sir give me 2 more days i will look into the matter personally"

My question is why was he waiting for me to get verbal...?
Why did he not do what was to be done before hand...?
I did not expect anything extra...
I would have been delighted if he had just delivered what was promised....not even a bit more was required....but then that's not how it was done.....the service our country...still a crying baby

Now let us take our case....getting selected in a company for internship was just the first part...
we all accepted it and were excited to work.....but soon we realized
'this is not the job i want' or maybe 'the PPO is too low'
or some or the other reason....hence we fail to give our best...

Now remember the last time you were mad at a waiter....
or a vendor....or your maid....or anybody who failed to deliver what you expected.....

When you took the Internship did you not promise the company a service....
to serve for a period of 2 months.....
so now when you don't give in your full effort...are you not breaking your own rules....

You expect service but you fail to give it in return....
What if that waiter you were angry at was also a intern who hated his low PPO
What if the vendor you last fired wasn't happy with  the deal you gave him
What if your maid is not happy with the payment you give her...
And what if your friend is not happy with the way you had treated him last time...

In each and every walk of our life there is service....
Consider this...
Just by loving and caring a person you can make the person delighted...
now if you equate this to marketing jargon's of customer and provider...
you are serving the are delighting them...
and return you get a friend with loyalty....
you also get word of mouth publicity....
so then...are we not all a part of this...

The way we behave...
we serve...
we act...
we treat...
each and everything is a service....

so if we as individuals fail to serve how can we expect an organization as a whole to serve efficiently...
It's all in our culture...we want good service we find faults...but then what do we do to improve it....

We fail to realize that each and everywhere there are ill motivated fellows like us...who always need the extra push....just to do what they were supposed to do anyways....

so where are we headed....i had no clue...i had thought we can't change the fact....i thought it was a problem we would have to live on with...where motivating everyone accordingly was the only answer

And then i had a chat on this matter with Girish sir....who explained to me his instances...

He says many a times while teaching he comes across students who would not stop disturbing....or keep talking....some times it just get's frustrating....
There is some point to anyone's patience....but then there is always a motivating force in huge abundance...
It's there within us....he told me if he does a shoddy job then he feels dissatisfied....not because the students might not understand....but because he did not do justice to what was to be done....

motivation should come from within...not from should know what you want to do....and what you want to deliver....then and only then you will be happy for what you have done....and the rest will just be a mark his exact words...this is what he said

" it's a question of personal desires. it's a question of what motivates me!
is it something external that keeps me going? or is it something within me that pushes me to do better and better..."

So just as Johny the bagger at the supermarket Put his own personal signature on the job....each one of us should make our presence felt...something that the company will miss when we leave....
Something that will make the company want us....
If we do this it really won't matter if we get the PPO or not....because we would know that we have done justice to our job....
And rest would just be History...!!!

And on that note...i wish all the best to each and everyone of us....

 P.S.: If you like reading it...please comment below...:P


  1. It was sort of truely enlighting or per se emancipating...! :)


    I never leave a personal comment on any write ups that easily (honestly), but this article has such an intensity, honesty and hard hitting facts in it, which made me post the comment.

    P.S : as u know I've no PG in marketing nor i pertain aministrative/management background.

  2. Good one Sagar! :)

    Keep writing...
