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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year..

Itz 2013...a new year yet again..
And like every year i had made a list of things to do...
But somehow as the clock struck 12 i dont feel to do anything...i just want to be home in my bed...and relax...seems the best thing to do...

I can hear the DJ playing the songs at a distance..boys and girls shouting together and having much i wud have wanted to join them just some months ago...but today my idea of fun is my bed and pillow...
Grown too old..?? I don't think soo..
My friends are partying and i did have a invitation but yet i wished to stay back..the exact reason is hard to find...but i think i am in search of something...

As strange as it mite sound i even have to report to work tommorrow, first day of the year..
Not many things are right...maybe thats the reason...i just wish this new year makes everything that maybe...i can welcome the new year 2014 with a light heart and a happy mood..

So for this year i just want to wish everyone of my friends and family members a warm and prosperous new year...may all your dreams come true...and all of you lead a wonderful year ahead..god bless..
P.S : I need enlightnment...if you knw wht i mean.. ;-)